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Papírová krabice s vzory loga akmis

We are a family

a reliable partner for wholesalers, manufacturers and restaurants with multiple branches in Czechia

Odznak s informací o době působení firmy, již d roku 1997

We're constantly looking to expand the range of our raw materials and products.


Our personal approach is the main reason for many years' cooperation and satisfaction.


We work directly with manufacturers from the country of origin.

fotoportrét pana Ing. PaedDr. Gregoriose Miskose, zakladatele a jednatele společnosti AKMIS
fotoportrét pana Andrease Miskose, majitela jednatele společnosti AKMIS
KAE and founder

Gregorios Miskos

A native of Krnov, who was born to Greek parents. He graduated from two universities and worked for many years in the athletics federation's specialised laboratory dealing with the biomechanical analysis of technical and speed disciplines. The laboratory closed after the Velvet Revolution and he was therefore forced to look for a new job. Despite the limited opportunities during the socialist era, he travelled around the world and therefore had a glimpse of the gastronomy of individual nations.

His interest in foreign specialities brought him to the Moravian Rice Company, where he gained his first experience in importing goods from the USA. In 1995, he started his own business and imported high-quality tuna, which is still in our portfolio. In 1997, he founded AKMIS, spol. s r.o., which still operates today as a foreign specialities importer. He is currently responsible for buying and selling tuna. In his spare time, he enjoys the Czech national "sport" of DIY. He loves football and bike rides.

CEO and owner

Andreas Miskos

He was born and lives in Prague. From an early age, he had a positive attitude towards new things and tested the unconventional flavours of imported specialities, which interested him so much that he decided to join the family business almost immediately after school. In addition to communicating with clients, he manages the goods' purchasing and sets-up company processes under the guidance of mentors. He likes to see things through. In his free time, he visits restaurants and then burns-off the calories in the gym. He is also no stranger to weightlifting, and he is currently trying to master the technique.

Product catalogue
